Monday, 11 February 2013

Magazine Research and Information on Magazine

I have chosen Mixmag to analyse because the Genre of music that it covers, Electronic Dance Music, is the genre in which I am going to do my magazine on. The target audience of my magazine will be male and female people who enjoy all sorts of different dance music aged 14+.

 This image of a front cover of mixmag features a Masthead and the Mixmag logo that is featured on every magazine. It has a large image on the front possibly to catch the attention of the consumers along with a barcode and issue number. I think the large masthead logo is a good idea and also a big bold image to catch attention are things I will use when designing my magazine as it looks professional and catches attention. This is also the same genre as the magazine I wish to design so a lot of ideas will be took from Mixmag.

This issue of Mixmag features an image of Joris Voorn as the main image on the front cover, and the star gaze theory will make people who arent regular readers of Mixmag buy into it because he is a worldwide known dj. Also, it features bold yellow background on black house styled text which looks good and I will probably use in my magazine because it gains the attention of the reader. It also features a bar code and issue number. This is also very similar to other Mixmag magazines which is good as it features a housestyle throughout.


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