Monday, 25 February 2013

First Draft Ideas of School Magazine

This is my first draft mock up of my Maricourt newsletter/magazine and does need a few changes, however the initial ideas are mainly down on this. It features a large but not bold mast head as I think it looks professional, but when it comes down to making the actual magazines front page, the font of the masthead is likely to be a different font and different style that looks more professional. The image of the Maricourt logo is evident next to the masthead which is going to stay when I make my finished draft, because I want it to be evident that it is advertising the Maricourt school. The name 'Maricourt Times' will be my final name for it as a number of names were suggested to a group of my peers and they decided that this was best of the 3, out of 'The Maricourt Monthly' and 'The Maricourt News'. Underneath the masthead also states a shortened down version of the mission statement which will be included when I make my final draft because I believe that it gives an insight into the schools aims and objectives, which I think is vital in a schools magazine. It then features a text box which may differ when I make my final draft as it could tend to look slightly unprofessional and I mightnt want to include as much text on the front cover, nevertheless it features information about the insides of the magazines and eye catching titles of pages that will feature inside to draw the readers attention, as well as following the maroon and yellow house style set as the traditional Maricourt colours which works well over all in a number of ways. Also, the two borders give a nice touch to the magazine and again, the maroon colours helps with the house styles in the Maricourt colours. Lastly, it features an image of the new drama block and a heading that states how much it cost and that it is newly built, which again gives a good impression of the academic and modern aims of the school, which again looks good to the target audience to look modern. The background of the front page is more than likely going to be changed in the final draft of the front page as I believe it looks unprofessional, however it does feature the traditional Maricourt house style colours which I want to stay the colours of whatever back ground I use on the final draft. Finally, there is space on the bottom of my front page which can be used to include pictures or vital information, but I am yet to decide what to put there, but when it comes to making my finishing product that space will be filled with information or pictures, to give it a more professional feel and use the space I have effieciently.

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