Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Evaluation Powerpoint Link

Above is the link to my evaluation powerpoint that has been used to answer all of the questions asked. I couldn't feature music on this but if i had to define one song to feature on my power point, it would be the new Daft Punk song that has been recently released in the past few days called 'Get Lucky' as it helps define my target market who are up to date with the newest music.

Final Draft of Double Page Spread

After giving my draft of my double page spread to a group of assessors, They pointed out a number of problems. One of these being that it was all in caps, so I have changed this and although all are still in caps, they look lower case and I believe this font suits the article. I have also added in a bleed for my text so it doesn't run over the page which is another thing they picked up on. I have also added in a piece of text advertising the Vinyls Twitter. Lastly, I've changed the text to size 10 which is what professional magazine designers use for texts on double page spreads, as this was something they pointed out also.

Final Draft Of Contents Page

After giving my first draft of my contents page to a group of assessors, They pointed out a few mistakes that needed to be corrected in order to perfect my magazine. The first one being that I had used the whole amount of pages each article would go on for, were as in Mixmag, which is what my magazine is taking inspiration from, they only list the pages it starts on. I also didn't feature a bleed which real magazines do to stop the text being took of when printing, and I have now featured that and changed the page numbers.

Final Draft of Front Page

Since I handed my draft of my Front Page to a group of assessors, they pointed out a number of problems with it, one being that all the text was in straight boxes unlike my research for Mixmag, so instead I have changed it round in order to have the texts coming from the sides. Another thing was that the text was all the same font, and so I changed this to fit in with my research more. Lastly, on my draft there was no price that could be identified on the front page, so I have put one in to make it look more realistic.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Double Page Spread Draft

For my double page spread, I split the page into 3 columns which most professional magazines do, but instead of two thirds writing, I have decided to change it round so my picture fills most of the page. I have used the image of 'Dj Mike Jones' with the black and white affect to cover the page as it is the closest image I have got with technology on show, which helps accompany my article. I again have used the Tahoma font with the title in bold, and the feather gradient affect has again been used with 'The Vinyls' house style green and black colour scheme that is seen throughout. I also included two smaller images of Luciano in Ushuaia and Carl Cox in Space, both taken by me, towards the bottom of the text and this is because they help support my article and are also good pictures. Unfortunately, one image I couldn't fit in my 3 different sets of pages was the one of the young boy playing on the DJ app on the iPad, but I don't think it would fit in with the article so my decision to leave this out stands in the final draft of my double page spread of 'The Vinyl' Magazine. I also increased the distance between the lines for Mikes quote so it stands out and Mixmag also tend to do this, which means it is a professionally used style of writing.